
Hatha Yoga in English

From July 2024 we started a morning class fully in english, Nanette teaches Yoga in English on Wednesday 09:00-10:00.
Join and practice with us, it is not problem if you are a beginner!

In this class we not only stretch, tone and strengthen, but also focus on the deeper realms of Yoga, but in a clearcut, everyday language, so that the practices can be applied to your daily schedule with ease and joy. Hand in hand with the well-known asanas, you can learn simple methods to mobilize your joints, use proper muscle work, cleanse your glands and energy pathways, massage and restore internal organs, activate your power center and such. The by-product is that you feel refreshed, fit and ready to go on, no matter what the weather forecast or the star constellations predict. It is essentially a beginner-friendly, relaxed type of session, but advanced yogis will also make progress as there are always new dimensions to explore in the body, mind and spirit.  The overall purpose is to tune in with your true self to find and understand what keeps your heart pumping.

Regular classes: Yoga in ENGLISH every Wednesday 09:00-10:00 in NemcsakJóga Mozgásstúdió with Nanette.

Registration is required! You have to register online here, or in email: info@nemcsakjoga.hu

We are also available for private classes in english, individually or in small groups. Please contact for an offer.